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“With my soul I have desired You in the night. Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek you early.” (Isaiah 26:9)

Faith’s benchmark for these end-times is peace of heart and mind. That means that for each night season and each morning, believers are empowered to choose continual peace, a treasure mined by those who comprehend the value. 

In Song of Solomon we read, “I sleep but my heart is awake.” God orders our lives so that the longing heart advances in the night and opens the way for a fresh new morning; the two together our God named “day.”  

He declares mercy and compassion for us—they are new and start-fresh each morning when God punctuates the darkness of night with His unfolding light. Isaiah emphasized this truth: “With my soul I have desired You in the night. Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek you early.” 

God commands the morning to take hold of the earth, a direct benefit for the covenant minded who are offered empowerment and His same authority of command for stewardship over the new day, possibilities He reveals to the heart that is awake.


Song of Solomon 5:2 | Isaiah 26:9 | Lamentations 3:22-23 | Job 38:13-14 | Psalm 57:8-11 | Psalm 108:2-5 | Verses@Once