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Intercessors are special people—enthusiastic, caring, compassionate messengers of hope, always believing for God’s highest plan. They are marksmen with their faith and understand its proper use—faith has confidence in what God has said. The intercessor aims God’s Word at obstacles or enemies, confidently speaking the Word with authority to usher in His promise. Wise disciples ask the Lord for an intercessor’s anointing, that wonderful umphthat laughs despite bad tidings, and has unbelievable courage to pull others forward. Intercession for you matures, speeds up, hastens, makes better, adds lavish love, is able to lead, and always sees Light.  

Intercession for you:

I pray you will stand up, come out of where you are and move right into the place God has prepared, prearranged for you. You are coming up, and out!

I pray divine appointments move you forward in the Lord’s plan, refusing all those inferior, manmade plans.

I pray for Spirit-power to come, and for the mind of the Spirit be done concerning you. Move away from destructive influences. Your pass-over is upon you!

I pray Holy inspiration for you—for shackles of indecision to fall away and anything half-hearted to be transformed, becoming decisive, established.

I pray for a transfusion of maturity and knowledge of who you are in Christ: You represent the Lord Christ; you represent the Lord your God.

I pray against ungodly family lines of inheritance and declare instead your place in the family of the Most High: “Separate unto Me those I have called, to the purpose I called them!”

I pray for those in every nation. Those hearing the Spirit’s call. Those who invite the Spirit’s presence.

Get up! Get up! Get up to the high place of His presence. Inquire of the Lord. Hear His voice behind you saying, this is the way!  


John 11:40 | Proverbs 8:1-3, NIV | Acts 13:2 | Isaiah 30:21 | Verses@Once