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The wicked prowl on every side When vileness is exalted among the sons of men.” (Psalm 12:8)

Everything we believe as Christians is first perceived in the heart and based in our revelation of God’s Word. Concerning the time in which we live, including its end-time context and application to our lives, the Bible warns that evil forces will increasingly oppress groups of people, regions, and nations as the final contest for good is waged—once and for all, and for all of time. 

That perspective precisely explains the difficult conditions experienced by many—literally “on every side.” Despite the harsh reality, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have sufficiency in the Lord because they have the Lord and His Word alive and proven in their hearts. Believers stand in stark contrast to the darkest of settings—they excel in every way and exalt the Lord, as Lord!

As believers we are equipped for wisdom’s warfare: purity sees as God sees! Remarkably, our warfare is waged with the simplest of truths—the words we speak are weapons of rescue. Our words speak life or death and rise from thoughts rehearsed in the heart. Our words, not conditions on the ground, determine what will be. Our confidence in the Lord speaks—the earth is his, along with everything else the planet contains. Satan controls only those who follow his lead.
Believers are like the Lord, seeing as He sees.


2 Samuel 22:27 | Psalm 18:26 | Titus 1:15 | Matthew 15:18-20 | Proverbs 18:21 | Psalm 24:1 | 2 Corinthians 4:4 | 2 Thessalonians 3:16 | Verses@Once