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Never stop saying what God has said. Actively agree with His Wisdom. Just as the tomb could not hold our Lord, there are appointed fires of breaking to bring you through to deliverance. We connect to God’s power of deliverance through hope. With pure, God-given authority, we hold fast until we see the promised result, denying every enemy a place to stand in the way of truth.  
We connect through supernatural leading until practical and spiritual converge, and with purposeful aim, we bring forth the glory of God. True sons of God are led by the Spirit of God and continue to believe, even against difficult odds. Hope must take root and faith must rise to bring forth the promise as God said: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.” 

His Word converts hope into faith and faith into sight. Planted in the human heart, that seed produces fruit for those whose hope and faith receive tomb-busting, Holy Ghost power! So again, keep saying what God has said. Agree with Him. In the same way a tomb could not hold our Lord, nothing can stop appointed fires of deliverance from breaking through to bring you out! 
Isaiah 64:7 | Revelation 2:20 | Romans 8:14 | Joel 3:14 | Verses@Once