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Prayers of righteous men and women are powerful. Add to their righteous position a steady confidence in the believer’s authority to move obstacles and influence situations, and everything can turn suddenly. 
When you pray, remember you have authority to change those things that must change. In every place of your God-given authority, “say to the mountain” that stands in the way—move! Speak with the authority given to you by the Lord. 

Do it with confidence in the plan He shows you—focus your faith prayer there. Your words are powerfully anointed to destroy yokes placed by the enemy, Satan. 

As one who knows truth, you have authority, expressed with your words, to undo wrong words, override careless and faithless activity, and hold the line for truth in every place He has positioned you.

Take a stand. Don't yield. You’ve got this!
Matthew 21:21-22 | Matthew 9:8, NIV | Mark 13:34 | Proverbs 29:2, NIV | Verses@Once