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“Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness” (2 Corinthians 9:10)

The Bible’s principle for doing business is the heart of prosperity for a civilization and the means by which the Lord directs us to invest time, energy, sacrifice, and risk; subsequently, the principle of increase sees to it that we reap fruits from that increase of our investment. The Bible’s principle of increase is good news!

In times of lack or shortage of any kind, or when the strain of crisis intensifies beyond human control, God sends seed to the one who will sow, the person whose heart reveals willingness to follow through on the principle; and for that one, the Lord provides bread for food, multiplies seed and increases righteousness.

The principle also applies to times of famine or threat of harm, and to unfair or undeserved difficulty. Anything out of line with God’s plan. These times give us an opportunity “to sow” a righteous response despite of the difficulty, expecting a harvest of the very thing needed. Things like favor—the favor of unusual benefits to supernaturally carry the day, lift the load, and experience answered prayer.
The principle of increase is spiritual. Power to “buy and sell” in the spirit realm opens doors of miraculous provision when efforts would otherwise be insufficient to achieve a breakthrough. In this spiritual sense, difficulty becomes our seed, and we learn to sow injustice, wrongs done, accusations, and misunderstandings, and to receive a spiritual harvest of the Lord’s favor and help in a time of need. The impossible becomes possible as we sow to the spirit despite carnal demands to retaliate; as we sow a right-spirit response we reap an eternal benefit, by far a more preferable outcome than would be the case by sowing to the flesh and gaining flesh-centered rewards!
If the financial rug has been pulled from under you, or a needed medical remedy withheld on a technicality, or a deserved position unfairly given to another—sow the rug, the injustice, or the wrong that’s been done. Release those as seed. Guard your heart and stand in righteousness. These times are your “seed to sow,” provision for a supernatural harvest of things restored.
In the business of your life’s work, remember that your assignment, per instructions from the Lord, includes the design for increase at its core. So, faithfully buy and sell, sow and reap, do business, produce a profit, then bless, bless, bless the sphere where you are assigned.


2 Corinthians 9:10 | Galatians 6:8 | Romans 8:28 | Verses@Once