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The Church’s view of the world shifts when believers see corporately as God sees. Conviction of heart carries the day with God’s heart for the world, something very different from “business and government as usual.”
As the Church, we check our worldview for a righteous perspective of our nation, as well as of other nations. God calls us to account inwardly. Prophetically, He places a demand on His Body to choose conviction over convenience.

  • Conviction: any unshakable, fixed, and strong belief, opinion, view, sentiment, feeling, persuasion.
  • Convenience: a position of least conflict and confrontation, especially for comfort’s sake, comfort’s purposes, comfort’s needs, including personal comfort, benefit, and advantage.

We are His people. We are Spirit-filled, bold, decisive, and wise. As stewards of the Church’s role, we believe God gives us ever-changing strategies to shift the culture toward His Kingdom and change the world for the better.

When the Spirit-call is prioritized, outward views change, spiritual growth with maturity follows, and vibrant, genuine spirituality becomes the norm.
Isaiah 9:6-7, NKJV