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The Lord calls leaders to courageous, decisive leadership. Indecisive and weak leadership becomes costly when God’s leading for the benefit of everyone involved is squandered. When leaders are weak and indecisive, authority is lost, and progress rare.   
Leadership requires solid decision-making. Parents, for example, as leaders in the home, make important decisions for the families under their charge. Employers too, as workplace decision-makers, impact the lives of those under their leadership.
Authority acts as a vacuum. Left unoccupied, the place of authority is filled by the next strongest influence. Like the infamous Queen Jezebel, who came to be ruler because King Ahab was a weak leader and allowed the take-over, instinctively, others take over God-given authority if allowed the opportunity.
We see such jezebel-like influences operating when decisive leadership is absent. The resulting authority-theft is gender neutral; both men and women get caught up in an unauthorized struggle for position and the corresponding authority take-over, often breaking the harmony of a home or workplace. 

If you are one in authority, you must be decisive; you need to make the decision. As one authorized to steward what God has given for everyone’s benefit, make the decision that only you can make and lead before someone unauthorized by God takes over.  

1 Kings 21:1-16