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Embracing God’s call matures and positions us for leadership both in the Church and within broader culture. Disciplined faith is distinctive, and discipleship marks in a distinctive way. We belong to that spiritual lineage, marked for that greatness. Like Ezekiel’s river, we go deeper. We began ankle-deep but, going deeper and with more revelation, soon the water came to our knees, then deeper still, and soon, the waters around us were waist-deep.  

Like Ezekiel’s river, the marking of our discipleship corresponds to depths of revelation knowledge until suddenly, the water is too deep to cross or navigate on foot, and we become one with the river—we become one with the will of God.  

It has been said that true relationship with the Lord joins His will to mine—I become one with His will. I become the will of God! I agree, and like you, passionate pursuit of His will for my life and in relationship with Him, I become! In relationship with Him, disciples become one with the Lord; we mature in knowledge, check for progress, evaluate the fruit produced, and reach beyond surface levels—for depth!  

The world around us, even in some Christian circles, may go the other way—away from increasing relationship with and deeper revelation of the Lord—but disciplined faith is distinctive and discipleship marks in a distinctive way. There are converts everywhere but fewer disciples. 


Ezekiel 27:1-8 | John 14:6, NLT | John 17:6, NLT | Ezekiel 47 | John 17 | Verses@Once