They were considered uneducated and therefore disqualified intellectually. Jesus’s disciples nonetheless turned the world upside down with the Gospel message, giving precedent to a different kind of credibility—God-given! We see it today, demonstrated through men and women who otherwise might be overlooked altogether. The resulting vulnerability is often the very thing God uses. He marks uniquely, even in the presence of enemies—out in the open and on display where the Lord’s strong hand leads the way out of the impossible. He reassures and strengthens… precisely as He said He would. 
Disciples lean into the Lord, exchanging their human weakness for His strength. They become the seed that He sows in places where He has ordained a harvest. As with a seed that disappears into the ground and is swallowed-up by the circumstances and rigors of seedtime and harvest, naysayers may assume failure if the breakthrough of the seed is delayed. Ultimately, however, the Lord of the harvest prevails, and perceived vulnerability is found to be the true hiding place of divine power. 

Our Lord plants as He decides. He calls for harvest where He wills. And the seed does not back up!
Amen—I like that! 

Psalm 23 | Psalm 35:27 | James 5:6-8 | Psalms 14:1; 53:1 | Mark 3:13-20 | Acts 17:5-9 | Habakkuk 3:4, AMP | Verses@Once