The double-minded man can’t receive very well—his instability isolates him. If allowed to govern, that instability becomes contagious, resulting in poor leadership and muted creativity. Practically and spiritually, the most destructive consequence of a double-minded leader is that God-given authority is sacrificed for convenience, resulting in a bottom-line, clear as a bell message that “weakness in leaders is okay.”
It is not. That version of leadership is selfish, spiritually immature, and unfit to rule. If I say one thing but do another, others recognize the inconsistency, and when something promised is different from what in fact takes place, others know integrity is lacking. Instead of a firm stand and a commitment to what is right, my leadership causes those who follow me to conform to my leadership example—they become like me. Weak leaders produce weak followers.  
When a Godly ruler is chosen, righteousness exalts that nation and people. The Lord sends support to those who insist upon righteous rule, something we especially value in difficult times. Therefore, our prayer is for right leaders, positioned ahead of time, before destruction; leaders equipped to “take the heat” when stakes are high, resisting the influence of those willing to compromise for personal gain. 
Graced with a single eye, one chosen to rule is a watcher. They are positioned to watch. An interloper is no match for their discernment. Under their watchful eye, the righteous occupy, assigned by God to right wrongs and lead right-down-the-middle through valleys shadowed by death. Among those sent by the Lord to rule, yes means yes, no means no, and actions bear fruit consistent with words spoken.
The wisdom of the Lord is first of all pure. 

James 1:8 | James 4:8 | Daniel 2:21 | Exodus 18:21 | Proverbs 14:33-35 | Matthew 5:37 | James 3:17 | Verses@Once