I recently re-read the story of Harriett Tubman, a slave who experienced unimaginable suffering and physical scarring in captivity. A Christian, Harriett often retreated to nearby wooded areas to pray for God’s help to endure. Ultimately, she married a freed former slave, but Harriett’s status continued - a “carrier” of slavery doomed to pass slavery to her children. 
This crossroads of her struggle drove her yet again to the secret wooded area to pray, pleading with God for freedom. Harriett heard the Lord answer, “free yourself.” She understood that it was up to her, that the Lord had released her. Harriett obeyed. She ran. Reaching the border of a free state, Harriett had freed herself. The former slave lived to be 92 and came to be known as “Moses” for her role in starting the Underground Railroad in America in 1849. 
Free yourself.  That’s powerful. The Lord created you—you are fearfully and wonderfully made! What you do with His creation is your stewardship response. An enslaved woman understood freedom’s price and risked everything to be free—for herself, her children, and all who would follow her lead. 
By God’s grace, free yourself. Steward the gift that you are. Obey the Lord. Whatever He tells you, do it. 
Psalm 139:13-15, KJV