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“And Elisha said, ‘As the Lord of hosts lives, before whom I stand, surely were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I would not look at you, nor see you.”  (2 Kings 3:14)

Concerning the presence of God in the lives of men, some individuals tower above the rest; like lightning rods, they attract God’s presence, a connection that benefits many who otherwise have little experience with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 
God regarded Jehoshaphat, and Elisha acknowledged him on that basis. Jehoshaphat’s history with the Lord was pivotal. As a result, deliverance was opened to others, including kings and nations who otherwise would not have been eligible to receive from God. King Jehoshaphat of Judah sought counsel from Almighty God, seeking and finding the voice of the Lord for all involved. 
We honor and esteem men and women whose history with God is established. We appreciate the price paid to stand as one highly favored of the Lord. In our own lives, we take our place beside them until, as far as the eye can see, the landscape of our nation becomes saturated with lives that attract the presence of God. . . His kingdom, power, and glory. 
2 Kings 3:14 | 2 Kings 3:12 | Verses@Once