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Guilt is a spiritual force. 

Guilt is a survivor, returning again and again to influence motives. Guilt is a death arrow to relationships. Guilt finds its base in unbelief—refuse to align with it! Never negotiate with guilt and never require someone else to carry guilt-blame for your sin or someone else’s. Disconnect with guilt, and its evil force, responsible for trapping you, again and again, will leave.

Faith in God refuses guilt. The Lord appeals to the human spirit by His Holy Spirit, not through guilt. The Spirit’s appeal is opposite to guilt; it is the agent of divine rescue and encouragement, not condemnation. You want to hear the Lord, not guilt, clearly, in your heart.

Right standing with God is solid ground upon which we may stand against guilt’s connection to evil. Inquire of the Lord what is right. If you’ve done anything other than what is right, ask forgiveness, and move on. Settle it in your own mind, from now on, give guilt “no place.”

Don’t allow guilt to dictate to you—ever!


John 16:8-11 | John 16  | Verses@Once