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“But we continue to preach because we have the same kind of faith the psalmist had when he said, ‘I believed in God, so I spoke.’”  (1 Corinthians 4:31)
Every life is a story that others read. My life, for example, and what I believe rings truer when I share sincerely and naturally in conversation and action. What I say is what I believe. People know what I believe by what I say. If I tell you my view and give every appearance of sincerity, what I speak over time with consistency lets you know if I really mean what I say. My belief and my words go together. One tests the other. 

In contrast, the pretense of faith doesn’t come across as true—pretense is not natural, not sincere, not truly believed, and does not communicate powerful faith. The one listening can tell. 

You and I will have what we say. Not that we selfishly name and claim things, but saying is powerful because words are powerful. Our words reveal what we believe—really believe. If you think your prayers will gain what you claim to believe but fail to order your words and heart attitude in keeping with that belief, ultimately, your believing will fail because your words have expressed something different, a contradiction. Actions also make a difference—interrupt your faith-filled words with inconsistent actions and your strength to believe will be less. In the really serious battle for really precious things, it makes a difference. Religious pretense never rings true.   

Words tell our stories. For Christians, words reflect beliefs and release faith. Mature discipline orders the words we speak to be consistent with what we believe, a basic part of true Bible faith. Thoughts lead to actions, and belief is expressed in words.

Believing one thing and saying another is like trying to go while being determined to stay—it is the opposite.


2 Corinthians 3:2 | Matthew 6:10, KJV | Luke 11:2, KJV | Verses@Once