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Leadership usually involves some level of ruling and always requires a heart to dream. To lead is to go before, to rule or command, to have authority over. Leaders may rule from a position of regal power such as a governor, viceroy, chief, commander, and one who leads has influence, oversees and controls counsel, and may lead in speech as a spokesman. 

The heart that dreams possibilities for the future is gifted by God to those who lead; it is God who gives vision and dreams to inspire great leadership. When there is no leader with visionary passion and the willingness to dream, or when leadership is weak or uninspired, then one who has not been chosen, a usurper—the next available and strongest force—moves to fill the vacuum, breaking the strength and future of the whole. Hesitation to make righteous decisions opens wrong doors and sends the wrong message. 

Prayer-guided leadership is needed in every enterprise: the home, family, community, region, and nation; in business, among professionals, in missions, and in the Church. The correctmessage is found in Matthew 8:8 and Luke 7:6 where the military leader understood the power of words spoken with authority. The visionary dreamer is described in Acts 10:1-8, and rulers willing to command crisis for the deliverance of all, in Acts 27:43-44.

We need them.


Matthew 8:8-9, ESV | Luke 7:8, ESV  | Acts 10:1-8, ESV | Acts 27:43-44, ESV | Proverbs 29:2, ESV | 1 Timothy 2:2, ESV | Verses@Once