“Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.” (Galatians 6:7, NLT)

Too often we live short-termtaking risks we wouldn’t otherwise but for the thing right in front of us, right this moment. And though we live this way, we mentally obsess about what lies ahead, out into the future—wondering, planning, questioning, doubting, risking the moment yet fearing the future. Living this way unwittingly opens doorways to fear. Attempting to resolve the fear that we project mentally, we attempt to control everything in generalThe resulting chaos is understandable.

Control is never our answer—giving is. Life consists in the seeds sown. In the case of overcoming fear or fears, by giving we activate faith to believe God, both short-term and for the future. Faith is fear’s opposite, so faith is the force required to debunk fear. Choosing to give rather than hoard—time, talent, things—overthrows self-traps. Sow your life. Sow every minute, sow every detail. Release the details; let them go. Give yourself to today. Tomorrow do the same. 

Consider that every thought and action today is your seed.


Galatians 6:7, NLT | Galatians 6:7, J.B. Phillips New Testament