If your challenge today is health-related, remember God is the one true medicine man. If you have a diagnosis, begin speaking His Word to its root source, not just to the symptoms. Your first line of defense in a spiritual problem is spiritual, and that means words. Sickness is spiritual as well as physical so speak life. Identify root causes and concentrate your efforts there; resist the symptoms, in Jesus’s name.
The order is spiritual first, then physical. If you prioritize the physical side first, you may be in for a long, hard slog. Instead, prioritize the spiritual side and take authority over this spiritual attack on your physical body. Resist!  

If prescription medicines are needed, be sure to release your faith as you take them for the result you want. Talk to them. Release your faith. Declare their benefit and take authority over harm caused or side-effects. Keep it spiritual—stay in the Spirit. Don’t allow Satan to accuse or condemn you—he is a legalist and will taunt that if you “had sufficient faith,” you wouldn’t need the medicine. Ignore him. He’s not the boss! 
Take control. Draw from God’s strength to undergird your faith by every means—through people He sends to walk beside you through this, and through every available outside means the Lord provides. Most importantly, be sure to “mingle” faith with everything. Confront sickness, not with your own mental or emotional strength, but by faith! Don’t panic. Remain focused on the Word. 
Until you have a full revelation of your healing—that you are healed now, present tense rather than future tense—use every weapon available (including medicine) and raise your expectations! You are in the process of coming out on the other side—delivered!  
Hebrews 4, v.2 | Hebrews 11, v,6 | Genesis 6:3 | Luke 17:6, NLT | Verses@Once