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“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”  (Hebrews 4:13, NIV)

Nakedness before God—giving Him an honest account and walking before Him in an honest level of personal truth—represents the deepest part of a person; it is the place from which a cry must come at the time of our most critical need.  

More than once, we have prayed for the impossible—for a miracle. Our appeal for the miraculous is synonymous with the realization that God is Lord, and we are not. It is the realization that the answer to the deepest needs will come from one source, and one source only as we move toward sincere faith and unquestionable belief.  

Outward obstacles often directly relate to His inward uncovering—the Holy Spirit’s working within the problem to first gain, then hold our attention. Many times, He gained our attention then it slipped again as the crisis passed. That must not be the case this time.   

From this deepest part within us ultimately comes our most gut level cry. That the will of God must be done. . . on earth as it is in heaven!


Acts 2:22 | Psalm 42:7 | Hebrews 4:13, ESV | Verses@Once