Prophetic insight is revelation from the Lord, or a result of prophetic words spoken to us by an individual. This insight describes more than we feel we deserve, something we don’t fully grasp in a natural sense.
Prophetic insight speaks to something higher. It “raises the bar” for us. Like when God sends words of encouragement to mature us and move us forward, or when barriers that held us back are removed with a breakthrough sign, dream, or vision.
Each day the Lord prophetically raises the possibility bar for his people. He moves supernaturally on our behalf, beyond the scope of human possibility. He gives us a unique position for success—seated with Him in heavenly places.
So, here’s the goal: We move forward with a Kingdom mentality and a sure word of prophecy concerning that Kingdom. Prophetically speaking, our lives aim upward to the standard that Jesus set and the path that He opened. Agree with Him. He knows the end, and He is already there.
Amen—that’s good!