God moves by His Spirit through human spirits to bring that which has been lost or stolen back to rightful ownership—to righteous ownership. God as Judge presides eternally in the affairs of His people; His justice is supreme, and He is not willing to see anyone or anything be lost. 

Recovery of lost things is central to biblical Christianity. God moved on the heart of an unbelieving Persian king and stirred up the Hebrew people in the region to restore them to Jerusalem, where they rebuilt the walls and the city, recovering what had been lost to reestablish the house of the Lord. 
Actions that dishonor the Lord make us vulnerable to loss. In human history, the thief, Satan, has received considerable cooperation from us humans; however, at no time did God intend it to be so. In placing blame where it belongs, we realize how anything that falls short of God’s glory results from not doing it God’s way. 
Here, repentance is vital because repentance creates an entrance, a path toward recovery for anything lost. Biblical repentance is “repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” First, repent before God, and then turn your faith toward the living Word, God’s Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. 
Your nation is not lost… your nation is only waiting to be restored to God’s original intent by the power of His Spirit and through lives stirred by the Spirit of the Almighty. Hallelujah! 


Romans 3:23 | Acts 20:21 | Daniel 7:27 | Luke 12:32 | 1 Samuel 30:8,18 | Ezra 1 | Verses@Once