Some things cannot be changed, like consequences of earlier actions when hearts were insensitive, and the potential for harm wasn’t discerned. When we are like that, insensitive to the Holy Spirit, seeds are planted we later regret and the harvest of those seeds can be life-changing, something we wish we could change. Seedtime and harvest remain. 
The Lord continually moves to lead us away from poor choices. As we respond to the comfort of His grace, we soften rather than stay with stubborn-hearted pride. Today, as fresh as the sun’s rising, His mercy presides over us. Mercy allows us to recognize and judge voices that drew us away. Mercy draws us back to safety.
The spiritually mature person knows both judgment and mercy. If it had not been for the Lord’s tender mercy, new and fresh every morning, we would have been consumed long before now! And were it not for certain judgments, we’d be doomed to a self-made wilderness. Wandering without moisture, obeying the voice of our own goodness. 
Thankfully, some things can be changed. Compassion is the voice we hear. We choose mercy and distance ourselves from the thing we cannot change, and all that goes with it. We turn toward the direction of His voice, toward His leading, to change both mind and heart. Redemption!   
Lamentations 3:22-23 | Jeremiah 29:11 | Isaiah 57 | Verses@Once