“These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” (1 Corinthians 2:13-14)

Children are a great example of sensitivity to spiritual truth. Their hearts soften to receive from God more than we realize. Young hearts are accepting, their innocence a protection from prejudice. In other words, children respond simply to life in the spirit; they respond, “as a little child.” 

Children are naturally open to the Holy Spirit because design-wise, creation’s “fearfully and wonderfully made” feature includes the capacity to believe truth and receive supernatural expressions from God. Tap into what they hear from the Lord, and you’ll be amazed.

I believe, for Christians, that the spirit life produces spiritual maturity that is confident regarding matters of the spirit and the supernatural. I also see many counterfeits and substitutes, making our spiritual discernment critical to steady the ship of truth in every nation, in every home.   

The Lord reveals truth through the agent of the Holy Spirit, and we receive that revelation in the human spirit. That’s how spirit life works. In the same way, revelation can also be quenched—refused. Sadly, such refusal to yield to the Spirit insulates us from the supernatural. 

For many Christians, for example, the main reach for—yielding to, and openness to receiving from—heaven’s supernatural provision comes in a time of crisis. In a crisis, panicked prayers reveal a low estimation of heaven’s supernatural power, expectation is desperate, and the habit is to think that way when really, we should know better. 

God has more for His disciples than uncertain pleading—Christianity is not a cosmic experiment! He gives them life in the Spirit… a relationship born and sustained in His deep commitment to bless and our response to communicate and receive from Him. 

Discipleship includes the spirit life—we begin as children but grow and mature spiritually. I encourage everyone to teach the Word and then require something of the teaching—expect results. Pray in the Spirit and encourage those you disciple to do the same.

We are blessed to be taught the spirit life. 


1 Corinthians 2:13-14