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Every generation has a company of those who are willing, who respond to God’s stirring to advance His Kingdom in supernatural ways. Today, for our generation, we receive that baton from those who’ve gone before us, those stirred by the Lord in specific seasons, for specific tasks. We remember their purity and “stir ourselves up” in imitation of their bold faith.

In response to words from the prophet Jeremiah, King Cyrus of Persia, a pagan king, was stirred in his heart to build the Lord’s house in Jerusalem. At a critical time, stirring in prayer and in words spoken through prophets advanced God’s plan for the Hebrews.

Isaiah was stirred this way and in response to his prayers, the Lord did rend the heavens—the Lord did come down! And hundreds of years after Isaiah, the heavens opened once and for all at the finished work of the Cross. If the Lord did not stir His people to pray, there wouldn’t be a voice in prayer sufficient to turn back threat and darkness. Isaiah said the Lord calls forth those who are willing, those who stir themselves up to take hold of God’s leading. 

Today, in this generation, The Lord marks those who “call on the Name of the Lord,” men and women who stir themselves in prayer and with action so that iniquity [twisting] is turned away from our land! 
Amen, so be it!  
Isaiah 64:7-8 | Isaiah 64 | 2 Chronicles 36:22-23 | Ezra 1:1-4 | Deuteronomy 32:11-12 | 2 Corinthians 6:1-3 | Haggai 1:14-15 | Exodus 35:21-22 | Exodus 36:2 | 2 Peter 1:13 | 2 Peter 3:1 | Verses@Once