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“Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. . . Christ, the head of the body. For he holds the whole body together with its joints and ligaments, and it grows as God nourishes it.”  (Colossians 2:7, 19, NLT)

The strength of a thing is its foundation. The architect’s design envisions the structure’s height, adding sufficient foundation below to support the structure above—the deeper the foundation the higher the building can go. 

Individual success, including the measure of how far we can advance, derives from depths of spiritual character—the most critical support for intellectual growth, vital for strong, healthy emotions.

In matters of faith people often confuse the issue, believing they can make the Lord one option among many as their source for success, and making Jesus Christ merely one of several higher powers. They are incorrect; He is the highest power.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest power and “sure foundation” for success. The Lord’s power is all power. He is Almighty God. His strength is mission strength for daily life, for every believer.  

The Almighty sends you forth today with a sure foundation and empowered with all power and all authority.  


Isaiah 28:16 | Colossians 2:7, 19, NLT | John 15:13 | Mark 12:31 | Luke 9:1 | Verses@Once