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“‘Is not My Word like a fire?’ says the Lord, ‘And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?’” (Jeremiah 23:29)

Your supernatural weapon against Satan’s attack is the Word of God. In relationship with your Father, His Spirit, and His Son, you live in His presence. Throughout the day and at night, you hear His voice. You ask and receive. He hears and answers and makes a way even if there is no way—He is Creator! 
You are at home in the hiding place of His power. You are under the shadow of the Almighty. The shadow… you are covered by His shadow. Furthermore, the Spirit of the Lord lives in you—the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and the fear of the Lord. Your words are power. What you speak has authority over Satan, so as you speak what you hear the Father speak, the arrow God intends finds its mark. His bow is aimed, the accuser-liar in the crosshairs. No weapon formed against you will prevail and every word spoken against you falls, powerless.
For you or someone else, in prayer remember to first lay a foundation with God’s Word. Do it in faith. Declare faith, based in God’s Word. Release your faith with your words, patterned after His faith and His words! Decree according to His decrees. Lay the foundation in covering prayer, declare and decree. Now hammerwith the revealed Word that He spoke to you. Focus on what you know without doubt. Crush with that hammer, that specific Word He gave you. 

Isaiah 11:1-3 | Isaiah 54:17 | Jeremiah 23:29 | Verses@Once