Collectively we benefit from the example of the rule-follower, the individual who readily yields to the leadership of the one in charge. Applied personally, when I know the rules and have already purposed to obey them, my part is simple, freeing my creativity and critical thinking to increase. 

From the perspective of the one who is leading, having one good rule-follower on the team keeps the guard rails up for the mission, so the focus remains missional rather than becoming consumed by repetitive lectures on the rules. And also, in the soul of the leader is vision to lead as a king, in many ways a rule-follower themselves and disciplined in the rule of law. 

God said to Abraham, “I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you.” You and I are the kings promised to Abraham’s lineage, and like Issachar, we understand the times and what must be done. The presence of Almighty God comes when we obey His lead and follow His rule. 

Whatever He says to you, do it.  


Genesis 17:6 | 1 Chronicles 12:32 | Daniel 1:20 | John 2:5 | Acts 3:22 | Verses@Once