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Stories about God’s Spirit moving in lives and families, and the resulting transformation from total havoc to restoration is nothing less than the manifest presence of God—a fact known among those who hunger for spiritual reality with the Almighty God—Immanuel, God with us!
Controversy over the possibility of His presence was distinctive, an entitlement of sorts, but that was before we learned about His Spirit, when much of what we knew was resistant to this present-with-us God.
But now, the sound of passionate prayer and symphonies of worship have ushered His presence right past the religion-police and into the heart of the city; the spirit of the dance brings deliverance for families and reaches to include whole cities with freedom from the bondage of generations.
The sound of the Lord’s procession is moving through the land… the sound is heard across the whole earth, for God has a controversy with the nations, pleading with all flesh, calling them out of the valley of decision!
2 Corinthians 2:14, NIV | Psalm 68:24, NIV | Isaiah 45:22-23 | Romans 14:11 | Philippians 2:9-11 | Jeremiah 25:30-31 | Joel 3:16 | Verses@Once