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When ties to family override God’s direction for your life… it’s time to go! Family ties produce strength in positive, meaningful ways, but each generation is responsible to serve the purposes of God in their generation; each person and family is unique, and some must ultimately take serious steps to break free of family when the ties that bind, bind! 

Problems have a way of gaining strength with each successive generation, so the Lord may lead us to interrupt generational patterns, not only because they hinder us, but also before our children inherit certain undesirables, those negatives already draining us. 

The same is true for national ties, which may explain why some willingly leave their homelands, including the things they love about those lands—familiar things—to gain freedom, including freedom from bondages unrecognized by others within the same groups of people… by those also in bondage to those things, but who lack conviction or commitment to separate from the past for the good of their future. 

The Lord by His Spirit opens our understanding to reveal things that captivate us, pointing to a way of escape. Not only repentance and turning away from deadness but new alignment with the Lord and His Kingdom: “Consecration” is the act of continually separating from anything other than what God has appointed. 

Mary the mother of Jesus knew her son as well as anyone, but at Cana, she laid aside her maternal side to hear divine direction for what became the beginning of Jesus’s miracle ministry. 

When such is not the case and the question is, “do I need to move, or go, or change, leave, etc.?” the answer is to ask God. And if the next question is “where or how?” the answer is, obviously, take one step toward God and keep stepping!

Whatever He tells you to do, do it! 


Genesis 12:1; 24:7 | John 2:1-22 esp. v.5 | Verses@Once