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Compared to visionary enterprise apart from God, personal God-given vision is in a higher class. This describes the visionary, one who engages mentally and emotionally to bring forth dreams for design and creativity. 

In the plan of God, vision for what is ahead is seen through eyes in our deepest being and is the result of God’s wisdom intersecting with individual longing. Vision from God is the container that moves you from here to there! If others do not see what you see, your vision won’t be less because vision continues to speak to the heart. 
Vision is for the individual and beyond—in the gathering or group where vision unfolds through visionary leaders to steward the plan. Those chosen to lead put into motion and bring to completion the full picture. They know God sees. They know He is already there, waiting at the place to which the vision will carry everyone—together. 
Visionary leadership maintains purity of vision that continues to test: Does it build the Lord’s Kingdom on earth; does it reveal His glory among men? Spiritual wisdom within is an eye to govern, leadership to steward, confidence to stay the course, and faith… to take the next step. 
Proverbs 29:18, TPT | Proverbs 29:18, The Message Bible