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Paul’s letter to believers in Philippi instructed them to discipline their thoughts—what they think about, dwell on, meditate, etc. He said choose to think about right things—anything true, noble, just, pure, lovely, a good report, virtuous, or praiseworthy. Choosing to discipline the life means concentration on right things. 

The principle is just the opposite for wrong thinking. To be honest, we should admit to entertaining thoughts (even obsessive thoughts) that contradict our faith and, despite knowing better, continuing with the habit and its consequences, continuing with thoughts (and resultant beliefs) that undermine genuine faith and dishonor God. We don’t discern the seriousness of the snare. We do not see the problem. We choose not to.

To dwell on a thought opens the way to believe certain things prescribed in the thought, including background logic contained in the thought. Our lives today are a composite of how we think and what we have come to believe as a result.  

God’s love in this matter will deliver. His love extends help to overcome bondage that results from wrong thinking. The bondage is basically that we become like the things we think about! He will deliver us, removing broken and out of order conditions in the process. Looking back, those who have been delivered are shocked to realize wrong thinking held them so long. They were sympathetic to and in sync with wrong thinking.

“As a man thinks within himself, so is he. 
From the heart flows words that govern him.”


Philippians 4:8-9 | Proverbs 23:7, NASB | Verses@Once