The Christmas season is precious. We embrace giving and receiving gifts and, even if a few scrooge-like attitudes surface here and there, for most, the season’s warmth inspires special giving and reaching out to others.
For some, life is very different this year—a loss or struggle, perhaps something unfair that can never be restored. So, we gather around them, to support and comfort and to remind them that when the Lord allows a door to close, He has already begun to open another.
As covenant sons and daughters of the Almighty God we remember from Psalm 105 that His judgments establish justice at the center of each life. He remembers His eternal covenant; the Word He commands concerning us never stops!
To belong to the Lord and have His hand on our lives is greater than anything, including sadness or disappointment. His presence in our lives is the highest condition possible and is our perspective for the season.
We take this opportune time to change yesterday’s clothes for new ones. It is, after all, a time of new life—a birthing time!
Oh come; let us adore Him—Christ the LORD.
Psalm 105