Humanly speaking, we have a certain capacity for preferring other’s needs over our own. Doing so brings out the best in us—humility, nobility, dedication, selfless discipline. Some people obviously have more of this capacity than others, and some, seemingly, have none at all.
As Christians interacting with those around us, empowerment by the Holy Spirit adds supernatural possibilities. We live and treat others nobly because we have the Holy Spirit directing us… the same leading Jesus had when He was on earth!
Jesus is our example. He chose the Spirit’s leading and, therefore, ultimately, the Father’s will. Jesus came for that very purpose, to do the Father’s will, “laying down His life” for mankind so they could choose. As a result, choosingbrings the same Spirit and leading, and the same supernatural way of life He demonstrated.
Every day you and I lay down our lives in service to others, preferring their needs over personal preferences or convenience, happy to do so and hopeful we have made life better and the load lighter. Many times, just being there, our presence itself makes all the difference. For those surrounded by enemy activity that is “too strong” for them, we lay down our lives to change theirs, helping and ministering to them.
Like the parting of the sea that allowed Israel to cross safely to the other side, your kindness to another person is a sovereign, supernatural rescue. Never stop laying down your life this way. You lay it down and the Lord raises you up again.
Whatever a man sows, that is what he will reap.
Psalm 118:15-17 | Galatians 6:7-8 | Verses@Once