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Ezekiel distinguished corporate expression from that of individuals who act on their own. The nation is responsible before God for its call to perform uniquely among the nations. The family, a corporate expression of individuals within that family, is also responsible before God on a personal level. The Son of God comes first to the individual. He comes to the individual first to gain entrance into the larger circle.

Who are you, your family or nation, that the Lord would consider you? Why would He hear your prayer or consider your circumstances? What position has He given you to appeal to Him on any matter? Similar questions were asked in Job, Hebrews, and Psalms: What significance do you have as just one person that heaven would consider you…? 

The answer is that the Lord’s focus begins with you—to deliver and lift you up and out! Like a pebble breaking the water’s surface, the ripple effect for those around you is significant. But the focus begins with you—there is a prophet in every house! God created you for high purposes and He is not keen on sharing your first love with anyone, but once He has you—really has you—He sends you to everyone. 

May His circle be unbroken! Hallelujah!


Ezekiel 18 | Luke 12, NLT | Verses@Once