Goliath the giant warrior confidently made his move; David the boy shepherd responded, running toward Goliath. Prepared for mortal combat with only a staff, a sling, and five smooth stones, David made his move: one stone from the bag…into the sling…ready, aim, release! The first stone found its mark, plunging deeply into Goliath’s forehead, and that enemy giant-of-a-man came down!

Taking Goliath’s sword, the boy finished him off, gaining victory for Israel’s army as the Philistines turned in retreat. With a mighty shout, the Israelites surged forward, pursuing the enemy to their base camp, plundering all the way there and all the way back! 

We should do as David did! Every challenge to our covenant with God should be answered decisively, and we should continue decisively against every threat and its source until the challenger is marked for destruction, everything in the enemy camp is plundered and the source of trouble evicted.

Resist the enemy and continue to resist. Don’t stop and don’t let up. Battles connect to the next battle, and an enemy allowed uncontested retreat will return more forcefully. And don't be tricked into fighting the same battle over and over but stop those threats as they arise, with fearless zeal and Godly conviction.

Like David, you will recover all.