Pay attention to the shifting in your nation, positive and negative, cause and effect. A biblical principle becomes obvious: righteousness exalts a nation—with soundness, wholeness, and inspiration to be a righteous neighbor, but corruption brings down governments, leaving the people to bear impossible burdens.  

Compare the character of your nation’s leadership to those of your family and others governed by the nation. Note the resemblance of ills expressed in the national discourse and problems in the home. Note the biblical principles involved and the visible result.

A debtor nation, for example, whose debt results from compromised values that move its leaders and people away from the Lord, influences its citizens with the same spirit of compromise, leading to high rates of debt. Citizens mirror their leaders, so, ultimately, the lives of the people reflect the national trend—good or bad.

Since the beginning of time, good and positive influences for a nation and for the individual citizens of that nation have originated with God—an expression of His love for all mankind. When a people seek Him for change, He responds with divine government to uncover hidden darkness and offer rescue through disciple followers, His “change agents” of redemption… assigned to this time.


Acts 17:26, NIV | Proverbs 14:34, MSG | Acts 7:19-21, MSG | Isaiah 9:7  | Verses@Once