God’s wisdom is given through the agent and power of the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit who then directs and empowers us to conform to that wisdom. The Wisdom of God is perfect and to be preferred over sense reasoning, accumulated learning, or current philosophical trending. 
King David repented, acknowledging both His sin and the Lord’s requirement for truth in the deepest, most hidden, and private part of his life. The king realized the link between God’s wisdom and His truth: To depart from truth is to refuse His wisdom and to refuse God’s wisdom is to deny truth—something we, like David, will not survive unscathed.

The principle is critical. Parents, teach your children this one early, and those of you who are mature check yourself in this: Anytime we believe we are “entitled” to something, believing it is somehow separate from what God requires, or is something we can get away with once or twice—activity we consider our own, as though it is hidden from God—we are fools, we deceive ourselves. The evidence of truth and the purity of wisdom prove that God is not in it.
“The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.”


Romans 12:2 | Psalm 14:1 | Psalm 53:1 | Psalm 51 | Verses@Once