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Blessing is God’s design for His creation, separating those who belong to the Lord from the state of being and way of life engineered by Satan in setting up his kingdom in the lives of men and women. The Bible term for Satan’s design is “curse,” and it means the opposite or absence of “blessing.”

God’s blessing on my life means everything; if I squander His blessing, my life will change course to go down a path He never intended. It is mine to choose. God gives every person the choice—blessing or curse. 

A society cannot decide, nor can a government. It’s simple. If someone decides to rewrite God’s plan, they should remember nothing is better than the plan God gave. “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ ” (Genesis 1:27-28).

God loves you very much, but you are not greater than His Wisdom for you. He loves you, hates destruction, and will not allow you to rewrite His plan for mankind because destruction is the inescapable result. That voice you hear to the contrary is the provocative voice of Satan—he does NOT love you: “Now the serpent was more cunning (trickster)…And he said, “Has God indeed said….?” (Genesis 3:1).

God will not forsake you, but neither will He allow you to re-engineer what blessing really is; no matter how intelligent you feel that you are or how enlightened beyond God’s Word you believe you have evolved, the true reality is that His design is greater.

If you are seeking answers, there is help. Open your heart to the Lord. Never give up on yourself or your situation. Because of confusing influences, many suffer in ways God never intended. Despite Satan’s attempts to mislead you, or how unbearable you feel or how hopeless it has become, you are not alone. God will never stop drawing you to Himself. He has the plan.  


2 Peter 3:9 | Genesis 1:27-28 | Genesis 3:1 | Verses@Once

For meditation:
Genesis 1, NLT
Genesis 2, NLT