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“Jesus gave the following illustration: ‘Can one blind person lead another? Won’t they both fall into a ditch? Students are not greater than their teacher. But the student who is fully trained will become like the teacher.’”  (Luke 6:39-40)

Mentorship begins with one person’s quality decision to invest in the life of another. We mentor to contribute to another person’s growth spiritually, sacrificing time, energy, and resources for a short- or long-term mission that will conclude when the mentor steps aside and the mentee steps forward.   

This is how we make disciples. To mentor is to train and training is preparation for great possibilities that come with being fully trained in spiritual foundations. For example, disciples are taught to keep a devotional time with the Lord. The amount of time depends on the time available, but consistency is key since devotional time with the Lord is first of all relational, not a function of religious dos and don’ts.  

To begin, bring four things with you: 1) God’s Word, 2) supportive reading to stir vision, 3) your fervent prayers and intercessions, and 4) something symbolic of your financial resources—your money, wallet, checkbook, financial statement—to connect you in a practical way to the Holy Spirit’s direction for your giving. 

Again, mentorship begins with one person’s quality decision to invest in the life of another. The one who is mentored learns the vital role of giving of their own spiritual gifts, plus tithes and offerings, alms and seed, time, compassion, wisdom, and strength. The student imitates the teacher, and those fully trained become teachers. On and on.

Go into all the world and make disciples.


Luke 6:39-40 | John 14:12 | Matthew 28:18-20 | Matthew 22:37 | Mark 12:30 | Luke 10:27 | Matthew 6:24 | Luke 16:13 | Verses@Once