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We live in a biblical time referred to as the end of days, and this generation especially belongs to the end of that time—the last of the last days. Consistent with prophecy, the world is shaking, and resulting whirlwinds wear down the human spirit, a tactic used by Satan, carried out by devilish forces. 
Also consistent with last days prophecy, many things are beyond our control. Those things spin with facts devilishly distorted to heighten emotion, create confusion, and ultimately pull as many as possible into the spin. It’s why an end-time believer’s specialty in prayer is priceless! You cannot put a price on prayers prayed in fervent faith or sufficiently thank those who pray them. 
Today we see that people who know God are strong to do exploits. Our Lord is Champion and Deliverer… He prepares us before the storm. We take our position on the Lord’s side, so ours is a different spin; the norm for us is divine whirlwinds of God! 

Taking authority over the chaos and spin, we prove the Word, given ahead of time for this time. As we pray, the Lord is magnified—judgment against unjust actions, mercy for those responsible.

Make this declaration: I speak to chaotic whirlwind-situations— 1) the Lordship of Jesus Christ, with deliverance to separate people from chaos, 2) an uncovering of deception and a way of escape for those marked for righteousness, and 3) established faith with the power of God beyond conventional wisdom for divine results.  

Daniel 11:32-33 | 1 Corinthians 2:5 | Job 38-40 | Verses@Once