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Every believer is on assignment with full authority and sending power from the Almighty. Jesus said He had been given all authority, both in heaven and earth, and He conveys that same authority to all who are willing to receive it. With a hands-on knowledge of that authority, the assignment and mission are simple: We are sent by God to fill the earth with tangible expressions of the Kingdom... on earth as it is in heaven!

It’s a fact. The story others hear, more than in the number or volume of our words, is told in the priorities we choose and the actions we live as we reflect the Spirit and mission of God’s Kingdom:  Do we mean what we say we believe and do we live it, or does our story reveal habit over substance, the thrill of things of the earth at the expense of the divine? What level of spiritual maturity and Kingdom reality is honestly present? Do we really know “the Rock from which we were hewn…” or have we settled for less?  

As individual believers—and in our corporate gatherings as the Church—a story revealing our distinctiveness as disciples is written before a watching world. Every believer is on assignment with full authority and sending power from the Almighty. Jesus said He had been given all authority by the Father, both in heaven and earth, and He conveys that same authority to all willing to receive it.  

John 20:20-22 | Isaiah 51:1 | Luke 24:49 | Verses@Once