The thing that we value is the thing that costs.

Christians who have understanding established (anchored) in the finished work of the Cross know that every outcome is already accomplished; and that anything less re-opens and raises doubts about the values and the truth that we lay down our lives to embrace. The investment is your life. It’s who you are!

The way to invest your life this way is to invest every part of your life in the Word. Hearing it (the Word) produces faith, so spend time doing just that. Give heed to its principles, instruction, and ideas. As you grow spiritually, add quality time in God’s Word to move from belief to revelation, and from revelation to impartation. You’ll gain greater understanding to rightly interpret things as they unfold, even before they unfold—prophetically.

So prepare. Glean more from the Word. Draw from that deposit both now and in the days ahead. Frame every assignment from the Lord this way, with His Word, spoken aloud, and the assignment will align with His Word and accomplish what it must.


Jeremiah 1:12, KJV