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“And so you can be sure the future of your house is also settled: Also, the Lord tells you that He will make you a house!” (2 Samuel 7:11)

The future of the Lord’s house is settled—the city of Jerusalem on earth and that heavenly city of Jerusalem above will merge. In the meantime, the Lord reveals His will and works His plan through those with an understanding of the times, those willing to build.

The Lord tells us when to build, when to tear down, and when to go up. This revelation, given to decisive people by God, builds up everything in its path. In the process, His goodness is established by righteous, God-inspired decisions, one step at a time—building.

Concerning your own house—your spiritual and physical house—critical decision-making unlocks important next steps. As you act on what He tells you, He merges both spiritual and physical for all He is building through you.


Psalm 122:3 | Revelation 21:2—3:12 | Galatians 4:26 | 2 Samuel 7 | Verses@Once