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“At first, his masters shackled his feet with chains, placed his neck into a collar of iron. That was until the Eternal’s promises came to pass; His word tested Joseph and proved him worthy. The king sent out the order to release him from prison; the ruler of Egypt liberated him from the chains.”  (Psalm 105:18-20, The Voice) 

Do not fear for your future. Fear is the source of the emotional battle you experience any time you face life-altering possibilities. In the midst of such situations, everything will be shaken, and with the shaking wrong things that have been tolerated become more emboldened. So, your choice must be truth… the truth of God’s Word… He will never leave or forsake you!
Maintain your integrity in God. Head up, shoulders back, think clearly. One day at a time—you can do anything one day at a time! Settle in your mind and heart that the Lord has divine purpose in this, possibly even to change your understanding of His direction for your life, and probably a lot more besides. Patiently allow Him to merge the two, His purpose and yours. 
And be thankful.


Psalm 105:18-20, The Voice