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We experience any crisis suddenly and without warning. At that moment, the faith necessary to believe God for the desired outcome becomes critical. Just as the crisis arrived suddenly, at that same moment, we realize whether or not our faith is ready for the sudden thing now before us. 

We see whether our faith is sufficiently strong to confidently apply God’s Word as the final authority for the situation—whether God’s Word is our first resort and firm foundation for a favorable outcome. In the crisis, we quickly realize where we are—and where we are not—in our faith.

This is important. Faith only comes from God’s Word. That’s it. Faith is not religion; it isn’t doctrine. Faith builds God’s wisdom into the fiber of everyday life where my right-this-minute reality is. Faith is the storehouse of God’s Word in my heart sufficient to meet and carry me through this crisis. I either have it, or I don’t. 

The church world sometimes gets turned around in understanding on matters of faith, which is why the Lord Himself must be your rock, your single focus in any crisis. He is Lord—the enemy is under His feet. In covenant with Him, you are seated with Him already. All things are possible, your outcome already clear. 

Settle down in your faith today. Quiet your mind before the Lord. Meditate in His Word. Listen. Believe. Don’t put it off.


Proverbs 4:20-22, NLT | Isaiah 57:9-11 | Hebrews 4:2, AMPC | Verses@Once