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Kingdom building requires a lot of heart—it takes integrity. Awareness of the connection between the Lord’s leading and individual contributions is key to the believer’s integrity and is the heart of the discipleship message. That message is the purpose of our ministry at SWM; the goal here is to make disciples and produce lifestyle Christianity. 

Hearing the Lord speak transforms the human heart, opening the way for each of us to give of ourselves to help others. Genuine caring is a premium part of the investment that supplies God’s strength to those on the receiving end. As lives are impacted, the one who gives is partner with the Lord in building the Kingdom in those lives. The connection is vital. 

My prayer for you is to make those vital connections and share in the integrity they represent—both giving and receiving! I pray the gift inside you will flourish, increase, receive strength, enlarge your tent, make a way where there isn’t one, stretch, forget convenience, risk something valuable, burn bridges, find your right place, and finish well! 
