“Then Jerubbaal (that is, Gideon) and all the people who were with him rose early and encamped beside the well of Harod, so that the camp of the Midianites was on the north side of them by the hill of Moreh in the valley.  And the LORD said to Gideon, ‘The people who are with you are too many for Me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel claim glory for itself against Me, saying, “My own hand has saved me.” Now therefore, proclaim in the hearing of the people, saying, ‘Whoever is fearful and afraid, let him turn and depart at once from Mount Gilead.’” And twenty-two thousand of the people returned, and ten thousand remained.”  (Judges 7:1-3) 
Some battles serve us well, drawing the proverbial line in the sand, compelling us to act. The process helps us choose the Lord’s way because we learn from the battle that choosing something other than His way has negative consequences so obvious, we don’t really want to risk it.  
The resulting pressure pot helps us to realize two things: You really can live one day at a time with sufficient faith to take the day, using the light (of revelation) that you have within you; and much of what we will experience today is, in fact, answered prayer, answers to earlier petitions that press us into the very thing the Lord has for us. 

Answers from the pressure pot contain revelation that, when walked out, manifest supernatural outcomes—peace of heart and mind to know that your best effort has been invested well and your reward includes the tangible fruits of your ordeal. Peace. Tangible.  
On the other hand—and this would apply to anything in life—if your revelation is compromised, you not only accomplish little, but tomorrow’s starting point begins where today’s compromise occurred—at the point where giants were too big, and revelation too small.  
As was the case for Gideon, the pressures of battle can be God’s catalyst for change. Subsequent spiritual battles measure God-given potential. In family and professional matters as in every aspect of life, pressures are useful, pushing otherwise timid warriors to a braver stance, persuading those reluctant to mastermind an explosive stand with spiritual authority, ready before the Lord.
The pressure pot… a perfect container to usher you through the eye of the needle! 


Judges 7:1-3