We grow spiritually as we learn and every learning opportunity is valuable. But if I could choose between being taught just to learn or receiving inspired instruction from God-centered mature leaders, I’d choose the latter, believing God for impartations of their wisdom and lifestyle qualities. I believe Christian discipleship is precisely that way—mentorship with impartation to grow spiritual maturity and impact the culture with light! 

We should highly value God-focused mentors. Compare their teaching to instruction that lacks emphasis on God’s Word or prayer or Christian principles, but is drawn instead from ideas more humanistic than Christian with results more centered in human knowledge than spiritual truth. In spiritual battles, it matters that you are sufficiently armed with the Word of God to resist Satan’s opposition. That’s why we value mature mentors who know to give God’s Word first place in every situation, and who also mentor others in this truth. 

Above all, take up the shield of faith. Think of the shield of faith as a word from God, able to quench Satan’s strategies and methods. Any other resistance is limited to mere human effort, positive thinking, personal goodness, or elaborate methodology. Unfortunately, when Satan comes to destroy… none of those will work. 

Godly mentors. Grounded in God's Word. Teaching others to do the same. Thank God. 


Romans 1:11 | Psalm 119:11 | Ephesians 6:16 | Verses@Once