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You should remember past seasons of your life in two ways: first, for the good gleaned from the experience and second, for changes the season demanded, necessary to transition into the next season. In the process, learn to leave behind negative emotions—culprits of emotional baggage that make for unhealthy lifestyles—forgetting and forgiving yesterday’s negatives and the give-and-take in relationships and life in general, focusing instead on the benefits gained.

Change, transition well, forgive, and remain focused on the word you have from the Lord—move forward, don’t standstill. In this new season, there is more change and transition. Always remember anything new begins best in the context of prayer and is best interpreted from a perspective of prayer. Prayer moves you forward into this new season with renewed hope and fresh vision and allows your heart to merge with God’s heart. With Him, you receive grace for grace.


John 1:16 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 | Romans 8:28  | Verses@Once