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Today we concentrate on God’s plan for our lives; everything else is secondary. Because we focus this way, our steps are ordered, our lives freed to reflect excellence of purpose today and trust in the Lord’s plan for tomorrow. 

If we run ahead of Him, the physical body and psyche cannot keep up. From a perspective of peace of heart and mind, reaching too far ahead can trouble the mind, undermine peace, and steal joy that comforts the heart and fuels much-needed strength!

So instead of shifting from plan to plan, we choose instead to focus on the priorities God places in our hearts… our orders for today! Jesus lived this way. He ministered this way. For us, too, God’s presence in our midst is all we need to maintain peace today while projecting hope for tomorrow. His presence means that our lives are so ordered that we rest, wisely using those portions received today and expecting increase by faith for tomorrow.

Stay focused.


Matthew 6:24-33, The Message